Ayurveda - "the complete knowledge for long life"
Deriving from two Sanskrit words, Ayurveda means longevity and related to knowledge [Chopra, Ananda S. (2003)].
It teaches us the principles for a well-balanced, healthy life and shows us ways to a more gentle healing.

Herzlich Willkommen im
authentischen Ayurveda Center

Let yourself be pampered and feel relaxed with our treatments
or feel rejuvenated and reinvigorated with our Original Ayuvedic Health Cure.
One feature of Ayurveda is the detoxification of the human body by plant-based medicines and treatments. You want to experience the rejuvenating and harmonising effects of our original Sri Lankan Ayurveda treatments? Come by or book your arrangement in the first certified Ayurveda Centre in Saxony to learn more about the special Ayurvedic diet, to relax with our Ayurvedic massage techniques or simply catch your breath and recharge your energy with our Ayurvedic steam baths and oil treatments. Your reward will not only be a strengthened inner balance but bright eyes, clear skin and a new zest for life.
Ayurveda has proved to be successful in the treatments of the following conditions:
diabetes, stress symptoms, sleep disturbances, migraine, headaches, overweight, skin problems, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, depressions, bronchial asthma, respiratory problems, arthritis, strokes, burn-out syndrome.
Hotel "Am Kurhaus" I Richard-Friedrich-Str. 16 I 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
03772 / 37170 I 03772 / 3717170 I info@am-kurhaus.com