Informations from A - Z

Here you will find all the important information at a glance. Simply click on the relevant first letter and you will receive a selection of the information you want.
How to get there

Our Radon Spa is located in the Free State of Saxony, in the Western Erzgebirge (Western Ore Mountains) and beautifully nestled in a tributary valley of the River Zwickauer Mulde. By car, enjoy an easy drive from most locations in the Free State.
Contact Persons

The staff at Guest Information Bad Schlema will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance in all matters relating to your Bad Schlema stay. So that you know who you are dealing with, you will find your contact person on the following pages.
Map of Bad Schlema

Explore Bad Schema today. Find out where your accomodation is located or where you can find the Radon Spa with its adjoining recreation park.
Request a brochure

If you can't find what you need on our website, or would like to request a brochure, please enter your details, or call us on +49 3772 / 380450, and we will post you one today.
Guest questionnaire

Your opinion is important to us. Use our online guest questionnaire to inform us about the satisfaction of your stay. Your suggestions to us or suggestions for improvement can also be found here and are evaluated accordingly.