The European Brass Music Festival,
held annually in Bad Schlema, features a wide variety of brass bands, concert bands and 'brass and reed' bands from all over Europe.
Mark the third weekend in September well ahead of time in your diary, since tickets are in great demand!

Feuerwerk der Blasmusik
Europäisches Blasmusikfestival

Whether swing jazz, big-band sound, folk or brass band music –
this one-of-a-kind event brings thousands of people together to enjoy three days (and nights!) of music and fun.
More than sixty concerts will be performed by orchestras, bands and ensembles from various European countries. Two stages, set to the left and right in a large festival tent holding more than 4.000 seats, create the foundation for music performances presented in alternation.
The area is accessible for people with impairments. Plenty of parking spaces are available.
More information on the European Brass Music Festival you can find under
Musiker aus folgenden Ländern...
waren schon in Bad Schlema zu Gast: Belgien, Dänemark, England, Estland, Frankreich, Italien, Israel, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Russland, Schottland, Schweden, Schweiz, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, USA sowie Orchester aus verschiedenen Teilen Deutschlands.
Bergmannsblasorchester Aue-Bad Schlema e.V. I Marktpassage 1 I 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema
03772 / 3724650 I