Kurort Schlema

Wellbeing – Cure & Treatment – Wellness

Whether you want to enjoy your holiday

a special cure & treatment or just a stay at our wellness facilities – our radon health spa has just the perfect arrangement to suit your every need. Immerse yourself into healthy regenerating baths and find calm and serenity in our bathing establishment ACTINON. Or let yourself be treated to a relaxing Sri Lankan Ayurveda therapy in the first genuine Ayurveda Centre in the Free State of Saxony...

Radon therapy

Radon is one of the most significant natural remedies used for medical treatments in spa towns. Here it is especially used as a remedy for chronic disorders in the muscoloskeletal system, where it was found to have soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.

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Ayurvedic Health Cure

Ayurveda , the science of life, prevention and longevity, is the oldest holistic medical healing science available today. It can show us how to live a long, healthy, well-balanced life.

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Bath establishment

Find peace and quiet in our inviting bathing establishment, opened in October, 1998. The swimming complex with its attached sauna area and wellness facilities is sure to make your everyday worries melt away. Do not miss to come and see our salt cave, too.

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Apitherapie im Kurpark

Honig gilt seit jeher als Heilmittel. Doch auch der Bienenstock kann viel für die Gesundheit tun. Neben Nektar bringen Bienen weitere wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe wie ätherische Öle in den Stock ein, wo diese an die Luft abgegeben werden. Diese Bienenstockluft ist eine natürliche Heilalternative bei Asthma, Allergien und Infektanfälligkeiten.



Fasten in Bad Schlema

Möchten Sie Ihrem Körper etwas Gutes tun und ihn bei seiner natürlichen Entschlackung unterstützen? Dann ist Fasten in der wunderschönen Umgebung Bad Schlemas genau das Richtige!  
Ihnen stehen bei uns verschiedene Fastenkonzepte zur Auswahl.


Health facilities

We can provide our guests and visitors with a large number of health facilities and specialists. There is also a number of spa doctors that will, based upon regular consultations with you, confirm that the programme you have chosen is appropriate for you. A list of our health facilities and doctors is available here.

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